Regular Meeting of Council

Council Chamber
3720 County Road 34
Alexandria, On. K0C 1A0
  • Mayor: Jamie MacDonald
  • Deputy Mayor: Carma Williams
  • Councillor: Jacques Massie
  • Councillor: Jeff Manley
  • Councillor: Michael Madden
  • Councillor: Brian Caddell
  • Councillor: Gary Martin
  • CAO/Clerk: Sarah Huskinson
  • Deputy Clerk: Jena Doonan
  • Director of Community Services: Anne Leduc
  • Director of the Building/By-law & Planning Services: Jacob Rhéaume
  • Treasurer & Director of Finance: Zoe Bougie

  • Resolution No. 1
    Moved by:Brian Caddell
    Seconded by:Gary Martin

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry accepts the agenda of the Regular Meeting of Council on April 8 2024 as amended

    12. As this matter deals with personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees they may be discussed in closed session under sections 239 (2)(b) of the Ontario Municipal Act);

  • Resolution No. 2
    Moved by:Carma Williams
    Seconded by:Jeff Manley

    THAT the minutes of the following meeting(s) be adopted as circulated.

            Special Closed Session  of Council - March 25 2024

             Regular Meeting of Council - March 25 2024

  • Resolution No. 3
    Moved by:Jeff Manley
    Seconded by:Jacques Massie

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry accepts report No. AD-2024-05, Emergency Management By-law; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopts by-law No.18-2024 being a by-law to provide for the establishment and adoption of an Emergency Management Program for the Township of North Glengarry; and

    THAT by-law No.18-2024 be read a first, second and third time and adopted in open Council this 8th day of April, 2024

  • Resolution No. 4
    Moved by:Gary Martin
    Seconded by:Carma Williams

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry receives staff report CS-2024-08, proposed changes to ice start-up date and tournaments  for discussion; and 

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry approves of a start-up date at the Glengarry Sports Palace of September 13, 2024; and

    THAT Council approves the modification of the ice rental contracts to include the option of one (1) tournament per association.

  • Resolution No. 5
    Moved by:Michael Madden
    Seconded by:Jeff Manley

    THAT the Council for the Township of North Glengarry receives the Staff Report No. CS-2024-13, Award RFT for Maxville & District Sports Complex Engineering Services; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry directs the Mayor and the Chief Administrative Officer to enter into a contract with 10097047 Canada Inc. operating as EVB Engineering in the amount of $70,060.00 for the Engineering Services for the Maxville & District Sports Complex Ice Surface Floor and Dasher Board Replacement; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry directs staff to perform the geotechnical testing and structural inspections to determine the scope of work to repair the east wall; 

    AND THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry approves the transfer of the remaining funds from this Capital project into a construction reserve for the Maxville & District Sports Complex’s cement pad and dasher board replacement.

  • Resolution No. 6
    Moved by:Jeff Manley
    Seconded by:Michael Madden

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry receives Staff Report CS-2024-14, CIP application for 117 Main Street South in Alexandria; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry approves the Community Improvement Plan Project at 117 Main Street South, Alexandria, Ontario, as submitted by the property owners Stephane and Ginny Ménard.

    • Program B – Building Improvement Grant representing a matching grant of 50% up to a maximum of $7,500.00 for two façades visible from the street.
    • Program C - Commercial Signage, Civic Address Signage and Commercial Awning Grant Program representing a matching grant of 50% up to a maximum of $2,000.00.
    • Program E – Building Permit Grant representing a grant equal to 100% of the eligible building permit fees to a maximum of $750.00.
    • Program G – Municipal Loan Program of $10,000.00.


    Total Grants: $10,250.00
    Total Loan: $10,000.00

  • Resolution No. 7
    Moved by:Jacques Massie
    Seconded by:Gary Martin

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry receives staff report TR-2024-09 First Quarter Variance Report for information purposes only.

  • Resolution No. 8
    Moved by:Brian Caddell
    Seconded by:Carma Williams

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopt Zoning By-Law No. Z-19-2023; and

    THAT by-law No. Z-19-2023 be read a first, second and third time and adopted in open Council this 8th day of April, 2024

  • Resolution No. 9
    Moved by:Carma Williams
    Seconded by:Gary Martin

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopts Part Lot Control By-Law No. 19-2024 to amend By-law No. 21-2023; and 

    THAT by-law 19-2024 be read a first, second and third time and enacted in Open Council this 8th day of April 2024.

  • Resolution No. 10
    Moved by:Jeff Manley
    Seconded by:Michael Madden

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry accepts report No. BP-2024-10, Road widening-Con 10; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopt by law No. 20-2024 being a by law to acquire and dedicate a portion of a property for road widening purposes.

    THAT by-law No. 20-2024 be read a first, second and third time and adopted in open Council this 8th day of April, 2024

  • Resolution No. 11
    Moved by:Gary Martin
    Seconded by:Brian Caddell

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry accepts report No. BP-2024-11, Road widening-Kenyon Concession Rd 1; and

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopt by law No. 21-2024 being a by law to acquire and dedicate a portion of a property for road widening purposes.

    THAT by-law No. 21-2024 be read a first, second and third time and adopted in open Council this 8th day of April, 2024

  • Resolution No. 12
    Moved by:Gary Martin
    Seconded by:Carma Williams

    THAT the Council of the Township of North Glengarry receives the item(s) from the consent agenda for information purposes only.

  • Resolution No. 13
    Moved by:Michael Madden
    Seconded by:Gary Martin

    Proceed "In Closed Session”

    As this matter deals with a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board they may be discussed in closed session under sections 239 (2)(c) of the Ontario Municipal Act.

  • Resolution No. 14
    Moved by:Gary Martin
    Seconded by:Jacques Massie

    THAT we return to the Regular Meeting of Council at 7:30 p.m.

  • Resolution No. 15
    Moved by:Carma Williams
    Seconded by:Brian Caddell

    THAT Council of the Township of North Glengarry adopts by-law 22-2024 being a by-law to adopt, confirm and ratify matters dealt with by Resolution; and

    THAT By-law 22-2024 be read a first, second, third time and enacted in Open Council this 8th day of April 2024.



  • Resolution No. 16
    Moved by:Jacques Massie
    Seconded by:Carma Williams

    THERE  being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 p.m.
